Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Skellig, by David Almond

When Michael moves to a knew house things start to go wrong. His baby sister is sick, his parents are upset. Michael is in the garage looking around at all the junk when he finds a creature on the floor. It lays there until Michael tells Mina, the girl across the street about it. Together they discover who and what Skellig is, and cure Michael's sister.
3 stars,


  1. I just wanted to say that this book is absolutely AMAZING, in my opinion... In the story, Michael is an emotionally disturbed child--the baby sister that he unconditionally loves is going to die soon due to a faltering heart... Then, he meets Skellig, a dark mass of a creature with a craggy, morose personality and crumpled wings. Michael makes a friend in the girl Mina, a neighbor who is home-schooled. Together, they care for Skellig, feeding him bits of Chinese takeout--and gradually, Skellig grows stronger and looks younger. All hope seems to be lost when Michael's baby sister nearly dies, but a miracle occurs, and the name that Michael and his parents decide to name the baby girl is fitting, and a satisfying "last surprise." The writing is deep, thought-provoking... It really makes you think of the true value of life. I THOUROUGHLY enjoyed this book--though I first picked it up many years ago, I've been rereading and rereading it ever since.

    A definite 5 star book!
    --Stephanie, 13 :)

  2. I just wanted to say that this was, by far, one of the most AMAZING books that I have ever read... In the story, Michael is an emotionally hurt child. His beloved newborn sister may die very soon due to a "faulty" heart. Michael has just moved to a new home, and the other children are hostile and aggresive toward him--he is alone. Then, he meets Skellig: a dark mass of a creature with a craggy, morose personality and crumpled wings. After Michael finally finds a friend in his neighbor Mina, a young home-schooled girl, the two work together caring for the diseased Skellig (for example, feeding him bits of Chinese takeout), who gradually grows stronger and younger! So when Michael's baby sister succumbs to a near death state and all hope seems to be lost, a miracle occurs, and the name which Michael and his parents picked for the baby is a satisfying "last surprise" in the book. The writing in this story is extremely deep and thought-provoking--it really makes you think of the true values of life... I thouroughly enjoyed it!

    A definite 5-star book!
    Stephanie, 13

  3. I love this book so much I've bought it in every cover and the covers have drawn in my attention my teacher got us to judge this book by it's cover and I knew that the cover was nothing compare to the actual story line but I've counted how many times I've read this book and it's been more 50!!! I read it at night in the day at school anywhere!!!!!!!!
