Monday, July 25, 2011

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

The book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian was a gem. It followed Junior, a Native American teenager living on a reservation. Due to birth defects, Junior was always teased at the "rez". The other kids beat him up, and called him "retard" and "globe" (due to his unreasonably large head). The rez isn't all it's cracked up to be. Poverty is everywhere, and sometimes it's hard to get a meal on the table. However, things somehow come together most of the time. But when Junior decides to go to an all white high school in nearby Rearden, things don't look up for Junior. People tease him at school, and things aren't great on the rez either. His own best friend calls him a white lover. Junior feels as if he will never fit in anywhere.

I adored this book. It was laugh out loud hilarious while at the same time being crushing and heart-breaking. Despite his dire situations, Junior always managed to lighten the mood with his witty and snarky comments, and clever drawings. Great novel to get a little insight on Native American teenagers now. Really funny and smart.

5 Stars

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