Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella

Becky has a fab flat in London and all the most fashionable
clothes. But she can't really afford any of it, her job is boring and
doesn't bring in anywhere near enough for her to afford her
lifestyle. She is sinking fast into debt. She tries to spend less, she
tries making more, but she seems incapable of getting out of
this hole, and she just keeps buying.

Funny and silly quick read. The writing was very good but I
found Becky rather pathetic and weak-willed. I wanted to shake
her and make her see what an idiot she was being. I was quite
shocked at how unwilling to deal with her own problems she
was, however she did seem to be making headway towards the
end of the book. I will read the rest of the series in hopes that
Becky grows up a little.
3 stars,

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